Hi! I'm Matt, a Sydney-based electrical (power) engineer who specialises in network modelling, cost-benefit analyses, and investment decision-making. I am also proficient in Python and VBA and have developed numerous scripts to solve difficult tasks and increase efficiency.

I have worked in the electrical utility industry for over nine years and I'm currently the Forecasting & Planning Engineer at Endeavour Energy.


Stand-alone power system sizing model

A Python model that brute-forces the minimum solar and battery system required to supply an inputted load profile. The model considers varying solar output and simulates the battery charge over a given year.

Cost-benefit analysis tool for distribution works

Suite of cost-benefit analysis Excel & VBA models used to justify distribution network investments to alleviate. The suite has e.g. overloaded asset, overloaded feeder and ringing in spurs models.

Upstream protective device

A Python script that iterates over PowerFactory distribution models and identifies the upstream protective devices of distribution assets and the peak load lost if the asset is faulty.

Outputs of the script are primarily used to accurately calculated unserved energy.

Google Earth comparator

A Python script to compare two Google Earth files (KMZs or KMLs) and output a new KMZ containing the placemarks that are common between the two inputted KMZs.

The script was utilised to identify areas of the network where there were repeated and/or uncleared vegetation defects.


Engineer — Forecasting & Planning
2021 — Present
Endeavour Energy
  • Spearheaded the development of the unserved energy methodology implemented into Endeavour Energy's investment portfolio optimisation tool.
  • Evaluated the feasibility of deferring network investments with grid batteries.
  • Developed business cases to optimally mitigate identified network constraints including evaluation of non-network solutions.
Capacity Planner
2018 — 2021
Endeavour Energy
  • Evaluated customer applications and provided planning advice to provide the best value for Endeavour Energy and its customers.
  • Identified solutions to overcome identified network constraints, calculated cost-benefit analyses for solutions, determined optimal timing for network investments, and produced Cases for Investment.
  • Developed long term investment strategies for allocated geographical area to minimise risks to as low as financially viable, and maximise value Endeavour Energy and its customers.
Network Process Review Officer
2016 — 2018
Endeavour Energy
  • Conducted ICAM investigations of significant fire and RICAR incidents, and prepared and submitted reports to IPART to meet regulatory requirements.
  • Investigated asset failures for trends and formulated strategies to mitigate residual risks.
  • Assisted in the management of Endeavour Energy's fires database, and formulated the Annual Fire Reports, which contain statistical analyses of network initiated fires.
Graduate Engineer
2013 — 2016
Endeavour Energy
Cadet Engineer
2013 — 2016
Endeavour Energy
Engineering Intern
Eight months over three years
Ausgrid — Endeavour Energy — TransGrid
